Winston-Salem Northern Beltway

Fast Facts

Project# U-2579 (Eastern Loop); R-2247 (Western Loop)
Type: New multi-lane freeway
Affected Counties: Forsyth
Estimated Cost: $1.74 Billion


The Winston-Salem Northern Beltway is a 34.5-mile multi-lane freeway that, when completed, will encircle the northern part of Winston-Salem from US 158 to US 311. North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) officials say the new road will help relieve congestion along US 421 and Business 40/US 52.


WC Northern

The Northern Beltway project, which has been included in the Urban Loop Acceleration Plan, will be constructed in two parts – the Eastern Loop and the Western Loop. This page highlights important information on both sections.

Eastern Loop U-2579

Project Cost: $1.067 Billion

The 17.1-mile Eastern Loop will run from US 52 to I-74/US 311. This portion of the highway is divided into eight sections, and parts of it are under construction. When complete (scheduled for 2024), the Eastern Loop will eventually become the future I-74, which has been designated a High Priority Corridor on the National Highway System.

See below for NCDOT financial allotments for right-of-way takings. If your property will be affected by construction of the Eastern Loop, contact one of our attorneys (four of whom previously worked on behalf of the NCDOT) for a free case evaluation.

Section U-2579AA
I-74/US-311 to I-40

Section AA of the project runs from I-74/US-311 to I-40. The purpose of this project is to expand the future I-74 while reducing traffic congestion and increasing safety along I-74/US-311.

Project Schedule U-2579AA

  • Right-of-way acquisition – 2018
  • Begin construction – 2020
  • End construction — 2023

Property Takings U-2579AA

Currently, the NCDOT has set aside $5,585,000 for right-of-way takings.

Section U-2579AB
I-40 to US 421/Business 40

Section AB of the project runs from I-40 to US 421/Business 40. The purpose of this project is to expand the future I-74 while reducing traffic congestion and increasing safety along US 421/Business 40.

Project Schedule U-2579AB

  • Right-of-way acquisition – 2018
  • Begin construction – 2020
  • End construction — 2023

Property Takings U-2579AB

Currently, the NCDOT has set aside $58,600,000 for right-of-way takings on more than 260 properties.

If your property will be affected contact one of our attorneys (four of whom previously worked on behalf of the NCDOT) for a free case evaluation.

Sections U-2579D, E, F
New Walkerton Road (US 311) to University Parkway (US 52)

The primary purpose of this project is to provide a circumferential facility around Winston-Salem, reduce the volume of traffic on portions of the local street network, and connect the major radial routes in the northern and eastern sections of Winston-Salem. It is part of the I-74 corridor, a congressionally designated High Priority Corridor on the National Highway System.

Approximately 220 properties will be affected by the construction of Sections U-2579D, E, and F. If your property will be affected contact one of our attorneys (four of whom previously worked on behalf of the NCDOT) for a free case evaluation.

Project Schedule U-2579D, E, F

  • Right-of-way acquisition – 2018
  • Begin construction – 2018
  • End construction – 2021

Right of Way Takings U-2579D, E, F

U-2579D construction will stretch from New Walkerton Road (US 311) to Baux Mountain Road, and the NCDOT has set aside $26,900,000 for right-of-way takings.

U-2579E construction will stretch from Baux Mountain Road to NC 8, and the NCDOT has set aside $33,910,000 for right-of-way takings.

U-2579F construction will stretch from NC 8 to US 52, and the NCDOT has set aside $45,690,000 for right-of-way takings.

Western Loop R-2247

Project Cost: $673,000,000

The Western Loop is a 17.4-mile freeway that will stretch from U.S. 158 (Stratford Road) to U.S. 52.

If your property will be affected by the construction of the Western Loop, contact one of our attorneys (four of whom previously worked on behalf of the NCDOT) for a free case evaluation.

Section R-2247CD: Peace Haven Road (S.R. 1891) and US 421 Interchange

The purpose of this interchange is to help minimize congestion and improve access to US 421 from Peace Haven Road prior to the construction of the Northern Beltway in western Forsyth County. The Strategic Transportation Initiative identified this project as a Statewide Funded project in June of 2014. The project is included in the Fiscal Year 2012 – 2018 TIP and is will be under construction through approximately 2018.

Project Schedule R-2247CD

  • Right-of-way acquisition – 2017
  • Begin Construction – 2017
  • End Construction – 2018

Property Takings R-2247CD

Currently, the DOT has set aside $3,200,000 for right-of-way takings on approximately 15 properties.

Section R-2247EC: Interchange at US 52 & NC 65

The purpose of this project is to construct an interchange at US 52 and NC 65.

Project Schedule R-2247EC

  • Right-of-Way acquisitions – 2017
  • Begin construction – 2018
  • End construction – 2020

Property Takings R-2247EC

Currently, the NCDOT has set aside $2,160,000 for right-of-way takings on approximately 50 properties.

Section R-2247EB: Interchange at US 52

The purpose of this project is to construct an interchange at US 52 and Winston-Salem Northern Beltway.

Project Schedule R-2247EB

  • Right-of-way acquisition – 2018
  • Begin construction – 2018
  • End construction – 2022

Property Takings R-2247EB

Currently, the NCDOT has set aside $24,090,000 for right-of-way takings on more than 50 properties.

Get a free case
evaluation today.

There are only a handful of attorneys in NC who practice eminent domain exclusively, and even fewer with NCDOT experience. We have several. That’s why its worth getting in touch with us for a free case evaluation.

Here’s how it works:

1) Tell us about your situation.

2) We research your property as needed, using DOT maps, our own technology, and experience to see the exact effects.

3) We let you know what we think a fair offer would be. This evaluation is free, and there’s no
pressure or obligation to hire us after.

But please don’t wait to act. Waiting can hurt your case, and the cost is the same: free.

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